Ewedu soup Recipe: Jute Leaves Soup - Cookerypal

ewedu soup

Ewedu soup is a delicious and nutritious soup that is popular among the Yoruba people of Nigeria. Ewedu soup is made from jute leaves, which are also known as ewedu, saluyot, or molokhia. Ewedu leaves have a slimy texture and a mild flavor that goes well with various dishes.

Ewedu soup is usually served with amala, a thick paste made from yam flour, or with other swallow foods like eba, fufu, or pounded yam. Ewedu soup can also be eaten with rice, bread, or as a standalone dish.

One of the distinctive features of ewedu soup is its smooth and slippery consistency, which is achieved by blending or pounding the cooked leaves. Traditionally, ewedu soup is prepared with a special broom called ijabe, which is used to mash the leaves in a pot until they become soft and slimy. However, you can also use a blender to achieve the same result in less time and with less effort.

In this article, we will show you how to make ewedu soup with a broom or a blender, and what ingredients you need to make this delicious soup.

Ingredients for Ewedu Soup

To make ewedu soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Ewedu leaves (jute leaves) - about 300 grams
  • Water - about 2 cups
  • Potash (optional) - a pinch
  • Locust beans (iru) - 1 tablespoon
  • Seasoning cubes - 1 or 2 cubes
  • Ground crayfish - 4 to 5 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Chilly pepper to taste

How to Make Ewedu Soup with a Broom

If you want to make ewedu soup with a broom, follow these steps:

  1. Pluck the ewedu leaves from the stems and wash them thoroughly with plenty of water to remove any dirt or sand.
  2. Place the ewedu leaves in a pot with water and potash (if using) and bring to a boil on medium heat.
  3. Cook the ewedu leaves for about 10 minutes or until they are soft and tender.
  4. Add the locust beans and seasoning cubes and stir well.
  5. Reduce the heat and use the ijabe broom to pound the ewedu leaves in the pot until they become smooth and slimy. You can also transfer the ewedu leaves to a mortar and pound them with a pestle if you prefer.
  6. Add the ground crayfish, salt, and pepper and stir well.
  7. Your ewedu soup is ready. You can serve it hot with amala or any other swallow food of your choice.

How to Make Ewedu Soup with a Blender

If you want to make ewedu soup with a blender, follow these steps:

  1. Pluck the ewedu leaves from the stems and wash them thoroughly with plenty of water to remove any dirt or sand.
  2. Place the ewedu leaves in a pot with water and potash (if using) and bring to a boil on medium heat.
  3. Cook the ewedu leaves for about 10 minutes or until they are soft and tender.
  4. Add the locust beans and seasoning cubes and stir well.
  5. Turn off the heat and let the ewedu leaves cool slightly.
  6. Transfer the ewedu leaves and some of the water to a blender and blend until smooth and slimy. You can also use an immersion blender to blend the ewedu leaves in the pot if you have one.
  7. Pour the blended ewedu back into the pot and bring to a simmer on low heat.
  8. Add the ground crayfish, salt, and stir well.
  9. Your ewedu soup is ready. You can serve it hot with amala or any other swallow food of your choice.

Tips for Making Ewedu Soup

Here are some tips for making ewedu soup:

  • You can add other ingredients like meat, fish, chicken, or vegetables to your ewedu soup if you like. Just cook them separately and add them at the end.
  • You can adjust the amount of water, potash, locust beans, seasoning cubes, crayfish, salt, and pepper according to your taste and preference.
  • You can store leftover ewedu soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer

Ewedu soup is a delicious and nutritious soup that is popular among the Yoruba people of Nigeria. It is made from jute leaves, which are also known as ewedu, saluyot, or molokhia. Ewedu leaves have a slimy texture and a mild flavor that goes well with various dishes.

In this article, i have shown you how to make ewedu soup with a broom or a blender, and what ingredients you need to make this delicious soup. You can enjoy ewedu soup with amala or any other swallow food of your choice. You can also add other ingredients like meat, fish, chicken, or vegetables to your ewedu soup if you like.

We hope you have learned how to make ewedu soup with a broom or a blender and that you will try this recipe at home. Ewedu soup is a healthy and tasty soup that is easy to make and can be enjoyed by everyone. Try it today and let us know what you think.

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